M A L E   A R T   M A G A Z I N E

Hailing from Germany, JUTURNA stands as the first international Male Art Magazine of its kind. It masterfully curates various styles and expressions from a diverse array of international artists, presenting their works in a compelling, evocative, and unparalleled manner.
Creating a magazine is, inherently, a communal effort. It springs to life through the collective genius and tireless efforts of many. In this regard, heartfelt gratitude is extended to the authors, contributorsfor their unwavering commitment and collaboration.
Yet, the heart of a magazine beats through its readers. It beckons for interaction. We've been privileged to receive a myriad of feedback, both laudatory and constructive, from across the globe. These insights not only shape our trajectory but also infuse our pages with a universal spirit. To those


who have engaged with us, thank you. Your voices continue to be invaluable, and we eagerly await more enriching dialogues.
The seed for JUTURNA was sown amidst the vibrant backdrop of Cuba, a voyage brimming with inspiration and wonder. With our foundational editorial members being German, the infusion of perspectives, suggestions, and artworks from all over the world has been invaluable. It has allowed us to cultivate a rich multicultural identity and embrace diversity in its full splendor.
It's exhilarating to witness JUTURNA's evolution into its intended vision: a global dais for those who resonate with the arts. With each passing month, our reach has expanded, and we're honored by the increasing number of artists worldwide who are keen to weave their narratives into our tapestry.

 This age allows variety - it's up to us!

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